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logo engels personalberatung


Engels Personalberatung helps German and International organizations by providing support and advice to recruit qualified managers required for their further success.

On this homepage, companies are offered to participate by placing their advertisement in our database in order to obtain contacts with potential candidates.

Candidates looking for a development in their career may send their profile anonymiously and free to get contacts to interested organizations.

We are dedicated to actuality, quality and seriosity of the database here published. Thus we make sure that your work with this information gets useable and efficient.

Interested applicants may fill their application and submit it at once (klick here). If not possible in this way send it to us by fax or post. Also, please explain your educational and professional experience in detail. We will put them confidentially into our database and contact you immediately in case a company is interested in you.

Companies interested in placing their advertisement in our database may contact us, too.
Should companies require any consultation (e. g. giving the applicants the chance to obtain more information by phone) they are also welcome to contact us.

Should you find interesting applicants in our database, please feel free to contact us. Fees depend on the assignment you ask us to do by contacting the above mentioned candidates.


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